
6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Bargain Shop for Your Hearing Aids

“Why do hearing aids cost so much?” It’s a question we are frequently asked, and our answer is always the same: We believe that value is not measured by price alone. Rather value comes from the improvement your technology makes in your life. Being able to do the things you love, progress in your career, and connect with those closest to you is priceless — and directly related to how well you hear.

Our job as your provider is to help you obtain better hearing. We use our knowledge and experience to create a customized solution to meet your hearing expectations for your listening lifestyle. When you choose to invest in a higher-quality hearing aid, you’re investing in more than technology; you’re investing in yourself. Ensuring that your technology is being utilized to its full potential and you’re given every opportunity to succeed is our job — and our passion.

Each one of us is committed to the relentless pursuit of:

1. Unsurpassed Patient Satisfaction

Your investment in better hearing should be measured by the results you experience each and every day. Through exclusive diagnostic and fitting tools like e-patient®, the AGX Fitting System, and countless hours of technology and patient-service training, we provide you a level of care and support no one else can match.

2. Excellence Through Education

We provide our patients with educational materials about hearing loss and the technology options to help you make informed choices about your hearing care. And we continue to stay abreast of the latest processes, procedures, and technology.

3. Effective Analysis and Diagnosis

We provide excellent service to our patients by diagnosing hearing problems with precise hearing testing so we are able to provide the best hearing solution.

4. Customized Technology Solutions

Our hearing aids are focused on effectively integrating speech comprehension back into your life. We give you all the tools you need to decide which hearing aid is best for you by working with you to define your specific diagnosis, lifestyle, and financial means.

5. Long-Term Relationship

Choosing us to guide your better-hearing journey is not a one-time transaction but rather the start of a long-term relationship. Our patients are our family. It is very rewarding to have the ability to improve the quality of your life. When investing in hearing aids, we encourage you to choose a provider by how well they approach and enhance your care.

6. We Can Save You Money in the End

From free batteries to cleanings and consultations, the perks of working with our practice outweigh saving money up front. We help you retrain your brain to work with the technology. We offer technology adjustments, an annual evaluation, and consistent follow-up appointments to help ensure your technology is being used to its full potential.

Value is about how well we utilize our knowledge and experience to create a customized solution that meets your hearing expectations and fits your lifestyle. Discover for yourself the value of working with a doctor of audiology. Call us at 918.602.4109 today to schedule an appointment with our hearing experts!

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