Bluetooth Earmold
This custom earmold is made for all those who wear a bluetooth piece and are frustrated that the non-custom buds don’t fit. More than 60% of all people cannot wear a non-custom piece in their ear for more than 30 minutes without pain. A custom mold for your bluetooth will improve your hearing ability on your system by almost double in most listening situations because it directs the sound into your ear naturally. Also, the mold stays in your ear without wearing the uncomfortable hook over your ear with which all bluetooth pieces come.

iPhone / iPod
These custom earmolds adapt the widely used earbuds that come with many audio devices, including cell phones. The standard earbud is uncomfortable for most people. Also, because of the poor fit, people have to turn up the volume to a very high level and this could have an effect on your hearing. When you add our custom fit earmolds to the original earbuds you get a comfortable fit all day, plus you don’t need that extra volume to hear clearly. These earmolds are well designed to be used with your iPod, Game boy, any mp3 or audio device, computer, TV or anything else you can plug your earbuds into.

Passive Musician Ear Plugs
These specially designed custom fit Musicians Ear Plugs are made of a soft durable material and then fitted with a special filter (10 dB,17 dB, 26 dB) that allows both high and low frequencies to pass through, but at a reduced volume level. This will protect your hearing while letting you continue to hear the full range of sound going on around you.

Custom Ear Plugs
These solid ear plugs are made of a soft durable medical grade high-strength silicone material that are custom fit for your ears. Custom ear plugs will give you maximum comfort and hearing protection (25-30 dB) for any recreational/occupational environments.

Custom Racing Ear Plugs
Racing molds are designed for amateur and professional drivers who demand quality communication. The custom design allows maximum comfort and durability and provides excellent sound suppression under any racing helmet

Swimmer’s Earplug
Custom Swimmer Earplugs provide excellent protection from water in the ear. They’re made of super-soft hydrophobic silicone and come in a variety of colors. Swimmer earplugs also provide hearing protection.

Pilot Headset Mold with Boom
A thick shell or receiver style designed to accommodate a boom to support the boom mic attachment of the headset. Professional pilots have several choices in headset communications Some of the most popular are the Telex 5 x 5 Pro III, Plantronics MS-30, MS-50, MS-57 and 5 x 5 Mark IIA. There are two different styles of booms available: A receiver style earpiece with a snap-on boom and a thick shell style earmold with a screw-set adaptor for the boom.