
Hearing Solution services

OTC Tinnitus Treatment

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is noted when a patient hears ringing, buzzing, roaring, or even whistling without anything to cause this noise. It may come and go and change in intensity. It can cause frustration, stress, lack of sleep, and even depression, as it can affect your quality of life. Approximately 50 million people of all ages have experienced some form of tinnitus. Tinnitus symptoms are personal and unique.

What Causes Tinnitus?

Just as a fever or headache accompanies many different illnesses, tinnitus is a symptom common to many problems. If you have tinnitus, the cause may remain a mystery. Tinnitus can be caused by the following:

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hearing loss

Hearing loss


Too much wax in the ear

ear infection

Ear infections

Physical abnormality of the ear

Physical abnormality of the ear




Drugs or medicines that are toxic to hearing

loud noise

Exposure to very loud noises

brain injury

Traumatic brain injury


Too much caffeine or nicotine

blood pressure

High blood pressure


Other medical conditions

Is There a Cure?

There are currently no cures for tinnitus, but there is help! Our Tinnitus Solutions Program works with you to identify potential causes for your specific symptoms and ways to reduce the impact of tinnitus on your daily life. By working with Audiologists, tinnitus sufferers receive a customized treatment program that can provide ongoing relief from their symptoms. But not everyone can come to our clinic, but we have made our tinnitus essential oil blend available by mail.

What Are the Treatment Options for Tinnitus?

Depending on the CAUSE of tinnitus, treatment options vary greatly and results vary greatly. Recommendations for treatment are made after an audiological assessment and might include recommendations to change medications, hearing aids with or without tinnitus programs, sound-generating apps, EMDR or neurofeedback therapy, hyperbaric therapy, acupuncture, TMJ treatment, and osteopathic medicine referrals. Our clinic believes that there is not always one approach to tinnitus. We embrace the idea that it often takes a medical as well as a holistic approach for some to find relief. We often recommend the use of hearing aids, maskers, and other treatments in combination with our essential oil blend.

    Why It Is Important To See a Doctor of Audiology As The First Step?

    We always recommend starting with a full audiological evaluation by an ear specialist physician or a Doctor of Audiology before attempting to treat the symptoms of tinnitus. A Doctor of Audiology can rule out potentially life-threatening conditions that might be causing tinnitus and determine treatment options for your tinnitus. If relief is not experienced, we are able to offer our essential oil blend to anyone who wishes to use it.

      Why Did We Develop the Essential Oil Blend Called “Quiet ©”?

      Because various treatment options did not help all of our patients suffering from tinnitus, we decided to research and develop another option using essential oils. The essential oil brands we use are pure essential oils with no added petrochemicals, solvents, or alcohol. The correct blend of oils to complement each other is vital, and the individual oils used are listed on the bottle. Because this is a proprietary blend, the exact amounts of each oil are not available.

        Why Do We recommend using a Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) form both BEFORE using oils and after using for one month?

        We ask that you complete a form called the THI, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory form, which will help you determine the severity of your tinnitus before using Quiet. It can be downloaded after purchasing Quiet. Print out two copies. We would LOVE you to participate in helping us gather information by sending us both your THI scores!

          Discover Relief from Tinnitus: Purchase Quiet© Today!

            Frequently Asked Questions

            What is the cost?

            The cost is $150, which includes shipping and handling This is NOT covered by insurance, and we cannot bill your insurance. Payment is by credit card only.

            Where can this be shipped?

            This product can ONLY be shipped within the United States at this time.

            How long does a bottle last?

            Using 3 times a day, the 15ml bottle lasts approximately one month.

            How to use Quiet?

            How to use the essential oil blend will be explained after purchase, and you can download the instructions. But Quiet is to be used 3 times a day, just 3 drops at a time, in a particular way. You will NOT be ingesting the oil but applying it. You will not be pouring the oil inside your ear canal.

            What benefit can I expect?

            Results will certainly vary. We ask that you evaluate your symptoms before using and then again after using Quiet for one month. Some people use Quiet and receive the benefits of reduced tinnitus or even the elimination of symptoms in just a month; others use it for several months, and others use it consistently.

            How can I buy Quiet?

            If you choose to try the Over-the-Counter Tinnitus Essential Oil Blend called “Quiet” that we have formulated, you can purchase it through our website at www.HearTulsa.com.

            Tulsa Audiologists

            3 Simple Steps To Better Hearing!

            Step 1

            Call our office today.

            Step 2

            Schedule a hearing test
            (covered by most insurances).

            Step 3

            Enjoy better hearing as we provide the perfect solution!

            Take the first step, call now

            No Matter The Situation, Our Tulsa Audiologists Are Prepared To Help With These Services:

            Audiological Evaluations

            Audiological Evaluations

            Hearing impairment affects more than just your ability to hear — it affects your quality of life. Hearing Solution Centers stresses the importance of an accurate and timely hearing test. Call us today to schedule an apointment.

            Assistive Listening Devices

            Assistive Listening Devices

            Individuals with hearing loss sometimes have more difficulty hearing basic technology that is a part of regular daily life, like telephones ringing or alarm clocks buzzing. Assistive Listening Devices cure this problem.

            Hearing Aid Repairs

            Hearing Aid Repairs

            Even if you take care of your hearing aids and keep up with regular maintenance, time takes its toll on all technology, and it’s possible that yours will eventually wear out through the course of normal use.

            Custom Ear Plugs & Molded Ear Plugs

            Custom Ear Plugs & Molded Ear Plugs

            Hearing loss happens for many reasons, one of the most popular being exposure to loud noise (noise-induced hearing loss, or NIHL). Hearing Solution Centers offers a variety of custom ear plugs and molded ear plugs.

            Tinnitus Treatment

            Tinnitus Treatment

            Though the common misconception about tinnitus is that it’s a disease, tinnitus is actually a medical condition characterized by persistent ringing in one or both ears that can only be heard by the affected individual.

            Earwax Management

            Earwax Management

            Earwax, that yellowish-brown substance produced by the glands of the external ear, may conjure the ick factor for many people, but it actually serves a pretty important purpose. Our treatments will help you manage it in a healthy way.

            Hunter Hearing Protection

            Hunter Hearing Protection

            Digitial Hunter’s Hearing Protection is designed for hunters and shooters who need amplification as well as hearing protection.

            Custom In-Ear Monitors

            HSC Bluetooth Medical Devices

            Our first-ever medical-grade hearing enhancement and earbud hybrid, these buds enhance the world around you and help you hear your music and calls better.

            Let’s Get Started

            Take the first step to better hearing

            Contact Info

            Hearing Solution Centers


            6550 E 71st St, Ste 101

            Tulsa, OK 74133

            Schedule a callback


            (918) 602-4109

            Hours of Operation:

            Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm

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